Dr. Michele Issel, Professor Emerita, Comments in Washington Post Article

Categories: News

Dr. Michele Issel, a public health professor emerita at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, discusses how the division between political parties in the United States is negatively impacting the public’s health.

UNC Charlotte’s Niner Insider recognizes Dr. Michele Issel

On August 2nd, Dr. Michele Issel was referenced in the Media Highlight section of the newsletter, which can be found here. As a public health professional with an impressive career, she was asked to comment on an article about how politicians are affecting our health systems.

In the Washington Post article, Conservatives skeptical of coronavirus vaccines battle to lead a hospital she says:

“All you need to do is look at how [school boards] have now become very political … and how boards of education have ignored the science of education,” said Michele Issel, a public health professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “There’s this new disregard for the professional training that medical people have, and a disregard for the science of what is best for the population.”